OPAIR Spotlight: Amanda Innocent-Ike – Data Modeling Analyst

Mar 26, 2024


Tell us about yourself! What does your life look like outside of the office?

Outside of the office, I thrive on exploring diverse interests and engaging in activities that enrich both my personal and professional growth. One aspect of my life that I cherish is spending quality time with my loved ones. They all live far away, so I enjoy having engaging conversations with them when I can.

I have a deep appreciation for the arts, so you’ll often find me attending gallery openings, live performances, or immersing myself in a good book at a cozy café. Additionally, I’m an avid traveler, always eager to embark on new adventures and immerse myself in different cultures.

Overall, my life outside of the office is a vibrant tapestry of experiences, relationships, and personal growth endeavors that fuel my passion for living life to the fullest.

What is your professional background? Specifically, what led you to working at OPAIR?

 My professional journey began with a solid foundation in computer science, culminating from my graduation from Penn State University in December 2022. Following graduation, I took some time to reflect on my career aspirations and explore different opportunities to align with my interests and skills.

During this period, I embarked on a thorough job search, seeking a position that would not only challenge me intellectually but also provide ample opportunities for growth and contribution. It was during this search that I came across the job posting for a data model analyst at Penn State’s OPAIR department.

As a Data Modeling Analyst, what does your day-to-day look like?

In my role as a remote Data Modeling Analyst, my daily tasks center on analyzing, interpreting, and visualizing data to extract actionable insights for informed decision-making. I kick off my workday at 8 am by assessing the status of ongoing projects and establishing daily objectives to guide my progress. Periodically, I engage in team meetings to discuss project advancements and exchange expertise with colleagues.

Around noon, I head out for some sunlight and lunch, resuming work at 12:30 pm to focus on accomplishing the set goals until the end of the workday. This routine ensures I maintain productivity and make steady strides toward project completion. 

What are some projects you’ve especially enjoyed since working at Penn State?

 One project that stands out to me is the task where I was to derive a unique list of source tables used in the RPD. This project presented an excellent opportunity for skill development, including:

  • Gaining proficiency in the Power BI environment.
  • Leveraging BI features to generate a comprehensive report of every unique source table.
  • Exporting the final result as an Excel file.

Overall, this project not only allowed me to apply my technical skills but also provided a tangible outcome that contributed to the organization’s data management and analysis efforts.

Do you have any personal or professional goals you’d like to accomplish before the end of the academic year?

My primary focus is on advancing my skills and contributing to the success of the projects I’m involved in. Professionally, I aim to deepen my understanding of data modeling techniques and tools, refine my ability to translate complex data into actionable insights, and collaborate effectively with my team to drive meaningful outcomes. These goals align with my dedication to continuous learning and professional growth, and I look forward to making significant progress by the end of the academic year.