About Us
Our Mission, Vision, and TeamMission
The Office of Planning, Assessment, and Institutional Research empowers the Penn State community to use rigorous evidence and insights to realize the University’s land grant mission of teaching, research, and service. OPAIR provides a central point of contact for University data acquisition, reporting, analysis, and governance; assessment; strategic planning; and accreditation.
OPAIR will use its unique position at the nexus of research, accreditation, assessment, and strategic planning to support individual unit endeavors towards organizational excellence by making institutional data and strategic information easily accessible, clearly understood, and well-leveraged both within the University and across the Commonwealth.
OPAIR will also identify potential parallels and partnerships both internally and across Penn State’s units and campuses, building and supporting new networks to boost collaboration, efficiency, and innovation.
Our Team

Lance Kennedy-Phillips
Vice Provost for Planning, Assessment, and Institutional Research