Penn State Community Survey
Belonging & Inclusion
- Overall campus climate
- The campus experience/environment regarding diversity at this institution
- The extent to which you experience a sense of belonging or community at this institution
- The extent to which you feel all community members experience a sense of belonging or community at this institution
- The campus environment is free from tensions related to individual or group differences.
- Extent you agree that diversity on campus improves experiences and interactions within the classroom, the workplace, and the overall community
- Overall, how comfortable would you be sharing your views on diversity and equity at this institution
- I enjoy working with people who are different from me.
- I feel included in a research community at Penn State.
- I have access to a research community at Penn State.
Cultural Competence & Knowledge
- Influence on support for diversity and equity – Performed community service
- Influence on support for diversity and equity – Engaged in discussions or activities concerning political issues
- Influence on support for diversity and equity – Attended presentations, performances, or art exhibits related to diversity
- Influence on support for diversity and equity – Participated in discussions, training, or activities on racial/ethnic issues
- Influence on support for diversity and equity – Participated in discussions, training, or activities on gender issues and/or gender identity issues
- Influence on support for diversity and equity – Participated in discussions, training, or activities on sexual orientation issues
- Influence on support for diversity and equity – Participated in discussions, training, or activities on socioeconomic status issues
- Influence on support for diversity and equity – Participated in discussions, training, or activities on religious diversity issues
- Influence on support for diversity and equity – Participated in discussions, training, or activities on disability issues
- Influence on support for diversity and equity – Participated in discussions, training, or activities on immigration issues
- Influence on support for diversity and equity – Participated in discussions, training, or activities on veterans’ issues
- I value events on my campus where I can explore different perspectives.
- I can identify microaggressions when they happen.
- I am aware that I hold biases implicitly or unconsciously.
- I know where to go to get help with facilitating difficult or crucial conversations.
- During your time at Penn State, have you ever intervened when you heard insensitive or disparaging remarks?
- In general, the content of my courses reflects a variety of cultural perspectives.
Engagement Across Difference
- How often have you interacted with – People who have a racial and/or ethnic identity other than your own
- How often have you interacted with – People from a socioeconomic background other than your own
- How often have you interacted with – People who have a sexual orientation other than your own
- How often have you interacted with – People whose gender differs from yours
- How often have you interacted with – People for whom English is not their native language
- How often have you interacted with – People from a religious background other than your own
- How often have you interacted with – People with a disability
- How often have you interacted with – People who are undocumented immigrants
- How often have you interacted with – People from a country other than your own
- How often have you interacted with – People who hold a political affiliation, philosophy, or view that differs from yours
- How often have you interacted with – People who are significantly older or younger than you
- How often have you interacted with – People who are veterans of US military service
- Level of comfort with – People who have a racial and/or ethnic identity other than your own
- Level of comfort with – People from a socioeconomic background other than your own
- Level of comfort with – People who have a sexual orientation other than your own
- Level of comfort with – People whose gender differs from yours
- Level of comfort with – People for whom English is not their native language
- Level of comfort with – People from a religious background other than your own
- Level of comfort with – People with a disability
- Level of comfort with – People who are undocumented immigrants
- Level of comfort with – People from a country other than your own
- Level of comfort with – People who hold a political affiliation, philosophy, or view that differs from yours
- Level of comfort with – People who are significantly older or younger than you
- Level of comfort with – People who are veterans of US military service
Experiences with Stereotyping, Microaggressions, & Harassment
- How often have you heard insensitive or disparaging remark about – People who have a particular racial and/or ethnic identity
- How often have you heard insensitive or disparaging remark about – People of a particular sexual orientation
- How often have you heard insensitive or disparaging remark about – People of a particular gender or gender identity
- How often have you heard insensitive or disparaging remark about – People from a particular socioeconomic background
- How often have you heard insensitive or disparaging remark about – People from a particular religious background
- How often have you heard insensitive or disparaging remark about – People with a particular disability
- How often have you heard insensitive or disparaging remark about – People who are immigrants
- How often have you heard insensitive or disparaging remark about – People with a particular political affiliation/view
- How often have you heard insensitive or disparaging remark about – People of a particular age or generation
- How often have you heard insensitive or disparaging remark about – People for whom English is not their native language
- How often have you heard insensitive or disparaging remark about – People who are veterans of US military service
- How often have you heard insensitive or disparaging remark about – People from a country other than their own
- How often was source of remark a member of the following groups – Students
- How often was source of remark a member of the following groups – Faculty
- How often was source of remark a member of the following groups – Staff
- How often was source of remark a member of the following groups – Administration
- Have you ever been discriminated against or harassed on the this institution campus, at an off-campus residence, or at an off-campus program/event affiliated with this institution?
- How often have you been discriminated against or harassed for the following reasons – Because of my racial and/or ethnic identity
- How often have you been discriminated against or harassed for the following reasons – Because of my sexual orientation
- How often have you been discriminated against or harassed for the following reasons – Because of my gender or gender identity
- How often have you been discriminated against or harassed for the following reasons – Because of my socioeconomic background
- How often have you been discriminated against or harassed for the following reasons – Because of my religious background
- How often have you been discriminated against or harassed for the following reasons – Because of my disability
- How often have you been discriminated against or harassed for the following reasons – Because I am an immigrant
- How often have you been discriminated against or harassed for the following reasons – Because of my political affiliation/views
- How often have you been discriminated against or harassed for the following reasons – Because of my age or generation
- How often have you been discriminated against or harassed for the following reasons – Because of my physical appearance
- How often have you been discriminated against or harassed for the following reasons – Because of my veteran status
- How often have you been discriminated against or harassed for the following reasons – Because of my country of origin
- How often have you been discriminated against or harassed for the following reasons – Because of some other aspect of my identity
- Did any of these incidents of discrimination or harassment at this institution occur in the last year?
- Please indicate which of the following forms of discrimination or harassment you have experienced in the past year.
- Did any of these incidents of discrimination or harassment occur in the following locations?
- Was the source of the discrimination/harassment a member of the following groups?
- Did you report any incident(s) to campus officials?
- Did any of the incidents of discrimination or harassment that you have experienced occur during the following activities?
Institutional Commitment to Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
- Recruitment of historically marginalized students, faculty, and staff is an institutional priority
- Retention of historically marginalized students, faculty, and staff is an institutional priority.
- Senior leadership demonstrates a commitment to diversity and equity on this campus.
- My unit or college/campus has a supportive environment for people with disabilities.
- Senior leaders will take action based on the results of this survey.
- The leadership in my area (department chair, director of academic affairs, or dean) supports the development of cultural competence for all faculty.
- The leadership in my area (department chair, director of academic affairs, or dean) supports hiring faculty who can contribute to improving the climate for diversity at Penn State.
- My campus or college supports conducting equity-minded research.
- Faculty – My department or unit is accommodating of employees with child and/or eldercare responsibilities.
- My supervisor takes responsibility for creating an inclusive environment.
- Staff – My department or unit is accommodating of employees with child and/or eldercare responsibilities.
Off-campus Community Contexts
- Have you ever been discriminated against or harassed off-campus, not affiliated with Penn State?
- The local community around my campus welcomes people of diverse backgrounds.
- I feel safe in the community surrounding campus.
- I feel welcome in the community surrounding campus.
- How often was the source of the insensitive or disparaging remark a member of the following groups – Local community