Librarian Salaries

Dashboard Information

The Association of Research Libraries (ARL3) describes itself as a “nonprofit membership organization of libraries and archives in major public and private universities, federal government agencies, and large public institutions in Canada and the US. We are a forum for the exchange of ideas and a catalyst for collective action to create, share, and sustain our global knowledge. We advocate on research libraries’ behalf, convene our research and higher education partners, share intelligence on current issues, and develop the next generation of diverse library leaders.” Through membership in the ARL, Penn State shares salary-related data for our librarian faculty. The Librarian Salaries Dashboard presents Penn State’s librarian salaries in comparison to other institutions in the Big Ten.

The dashboard displays the number of Full Time Employees (FTE), the Average Salary (Avg Salary), and Total Salary for each institution by Rank (Librarian, Assistant Librarian, Associate Librarian, and Affiliate Librarian). The graphs display the FTE and Avg Salary by Institution, with Penn State highlighted in blue. The select buttons above the table can be used to switch between Ranks.