Reporting Progress


Demonstrating Progress towards Goals and Objectives

While the formal progress reporting process is generally the venue for communicating to stakeholders and leadership, sharing the plan’s ongoing progress is critical within your organization.

Strategy assignments and progress updates

While some planning efforts only reflect on assignment completion and change for official progress reporting, consider creating a space where progress can be reported on in real time. This may allow you to be proactive about necessary plan adjustments.

Celebrate early wins

Every strategic plan inevitably contains meaningful projects that can be completed relatively quickly and efficiently. Identify and complete a couple of these projects and release results from those efforts to build belief and maintain momentum.

Regular updates on progress

This is the reason you took the time to create the communication plan in the first place! Have your communications queued up on a regular schedule. If there is an established progress tracking mechanism, consider linking access to it as part of your communications plan.

Transparency is key

Be honest and forthright about the updates. If changes to the plan are necessary, or if groups are being reassigned to different projects. Keep everyone in the loop.

Return to your Vision

The organization’s vision statement is likely the source of the goals you drew up for your plan, as it is intended to be aspirational. Weave the language of the vision throughout your communications.

Collect ideas (and give credit)

Throughout the process, you or your colleagues may brainstorm other ideas for strategic initiatives, projects, or other improvements you can set up. Create a system to collect and compile these ideas and see if they can be worked into your existing plan and be sure to mention where these promising ideas came from! (Also, please share them with OPAIR for our future work.)

Official Progress Reporting

[More information to come.]